28 October, 2014 28 October, 2014

Diners Club: Explore the World in a Way Less Limited (by Waves)

Imagine Zag Spy’s surprise to check this Diners Club advert in this past weekend’s Sunday Times. Below the tranquil image the print reads, “Explore the world in a way less limited…”

Less limited by waves, we think they meant. There’s hardly a ripple where their featured jet-setters have decided to paddle out for a surf. So we chuckled for a bit and tore off the humorous page, wiped and went on with our day with a smile.

Mainstream media just doesn’t quite get it.

Thanks to Jurie Zietsman for scanning his copy and forwarding to us.


  1. Richard Holmes
    28 October, 2014 at 8:54 am · Reply

    That rocky outcrop is called Durdle Door (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durdle_Door), on the coastline of Dorset (UK). While the UK has some good surf, it sure as hell isn’t there!

  2. Brett Morison
    28 October, 2014 at 12:34 pm · Reply

    Good spearfishing (for UK) there though…dived there a fair bit and even the odd tuna 😉

  3. Cuffertjie
    28 October, 2014 at 12:45 pm · Reply

    Had some fun diving there and cliff jumping. Gotta drive back towards Poole for some waves though

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