5 September, 2012 5 September, 2012

Bloody Bad Luck

In a bloody case of bad luck, Kalk Bay local Pieter Visser sliced open his bicep badly at Crons earlier this week. We’re not quite certain how many stitches he received, but with the fin-inflicted gash spanning almost the entire length of his bicep, Zag Spy’s guess would be ‘a lot’. Pieter had just returned from a month in Indo, receiving no injuries at cooking Maccas and HT’s while getting himself properly pitted, only to return home and have Crons nearly disarm him. Get well soon bru.

1 Comment

  1. Pieter Visser
    5 September, 2012 at 11:22 am · Reply

    Yip back in the water in two weeks, not sure how many stitches but few, fin-gash deep down to the bone luckily missing arteries & nerves. A huge thankyou to all who assited me the kindness to help a fellow surfer in trouble astounded me.

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