Trading hours: 15 September – 15 December 2020!
Joshe Faulkner:
Johse Faulkner is my pick for this month. The way he made it out of that layback with enough speed to still bust the fins was really impressive. The wave quality wasn’t the best but in my book, that combo was the hardest to do. The other entries just had that dead section where pumping was necessary. Gav Roberts came in a close second but the pumping broke the comb, unfortunately. ~ Beyrick
Luke Slijpen:
It was a tight, split decision between Max Elkington and Luke Slijpen. Both surfers showcased one of the cornerstones that define a combo: economy of movement. But it was Luke Slijpen’s variety that won the day. Each turn had an unexpected edge, particularly the 3rd turn, where he really rolled the rail over with undeniable power and flow. ~ Zigzag
Matty McGillivray:
Matty McG wins our vote for April. Eli Beukes and DVZ’s two entries were right up in the mix, but Matty’s speed generated and pinpoint precision of the first two cracks (throwing buckets that would make KFC jealous) was what we’ve been looking for. This momentum and timing set him up perfectly for the extra tail high full rote serving to finish off the double XL monster combo. ~ Monster
Dale Staples:
It was a split decision between Dale and Adin with Team Zag, but it was Dale’s variety, control of pace and full use of the wave face that swung the vote in his favour to grab the win. A combo needs to have no ‘stop-start’ surfing in between turns and Dale illustrated this with exceptional timing. – Zigzag