The past week the South African surf community has been buzzing, especially amongst those lucky enough to call Durban home, all thanks to cyclone Dumazile. Durban has received some cookers this week and has been witness to chockablock line-ups full of stoke. The Surfers chant,’yeeeeeew’, can be heard echoing between the piers almost as if on a loop. Spike talks us through the science behind the swell is delicately unpacked in this clip below, but be warned it might destroy workplace productivity due to excessive levels of froth. If you’re not already on your way to Durban, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR.
7 March, 2018
7 March, 2018
Come on….every Durbanite knows that cyclone swell sucks here.
It’s nice from far, but far from nice.
Who would want to waste time and money coming here at that time?