19 October, 2016 19 October, 2016

RAKIT Surfboard Rack Review

Let’s face it, there is always room in your quiver for just one more surfboard. But there is only so much space in your garage. Surfboard racks are an obvious and efficient solution but it is has not always been an easy one – until now. Our photo editor, Alan Van Gysen put the Rakit surfboard racks to the test..


The Rakit surfboard racks are strong and easy to assemble.

Images and words by Alan Van Gysen

Getting a surfboard rack has never been easier. After few clicks online, a signature on delivery, and twenty minutes of installation you’ll have your very own, very smart and very solid surfboard rack up on your wall.

About a year ago I began my search for surfboard racks. Nothing turned up in my local hardware store and custom-ordering one from a welding shop proved way too expensive. Frustrated I gave up on the search and left my surfboards standing upright on the floor in the corner of my garage where they received countless unnecessary dings from the kids, dogs and my own stupidity. Then I heard of Rakit and the lives of my surfboards changed forever.


The contents of the ‘Charger’ five surfboard storage system.

As I said, the ordering and delivery of the box was simple and very efficient. To be honest, I actually put off mounting the rack in my garage because I reasoned that I didn’t have the time to hack with putting it up, but when I did eventually say, “today is the day,” I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was. The box kit comes with everything except the wall, surfboard, drill and spanner.

Simply find that perfect empty wall, plug your drill in and the rest is provided for you – drill bit, plugs, coach screws, caps and of course the racks themselves. Ater some minor DIY and I had the rack up with five of my loyal and beloved surfboards off the floor, safe in the arms of my new Rakit surfboard rack. The whole experience left me feeling proud of myself but in truth, it was all down to the product and the ease of use.

Snug and safe surfboards.

Snug and safe surfboards.

The craftsmanship of the Rakit rack itself is definitely something to take note of. The racks are welded to precision – from the plugs that cover the screw holes on the vertical bars, the amazingly fitted foam pads that wrap each bar to the the foam strip at the back of the bracket to protect any rail that will be sleeping there. Ensuring that your boards look neat and that no harm will come to them from the racks themselves.

Whilst staying with world big wave champion Grant “Twiggy” Baker recently I had the pleasure of spying two solid-looking Rakit surfboard racks up in his garage holding his trusted and prized collection of big wave guns. If Rakit is the choice of a guy like Twiggy, then it’s the right choice for you and I.

The tools needed.

Step 1: Drill the holes.

Step 2: Insert the screws.




Voila! A high and dry quiver.

*Order yours now and receive a 20% discount whilst purchasing the rack online. Simple use the code “RAKITSURF” upon check out HERE.

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