14 July, 2016 14 July, 2016

Radical Times

The 10 minute documentary-style video ‘Radical Times in South Africa’ features Quiksilver’s international board riding team cruising through our city’s and getting sucked into our shores…

From sessions at Snake Park, to smashing Bunny’s, bombing hills and sailing through perfect J-Bay point breaks – these are the local adventures we love.

The Quiksilver crew were touring in South Africa a few weeks back, with boardriders such as Matt Banting, Javier Mendizabal, Lee-Ann Curren and Cape Town’s very own style-master – Mikey February. The video showcases an eclectic group of surfers, skateboarders, snowboarders, artists and photographers on a cultural journey from the bottom to the top of Mzansi.

No matter where you’re from or where you’re going – this is a film that will make every board rider get high all over again…

These Are Radical Times

We live in a day where the lines are blurred. When the surf is flat, we get our fix riding concrete. If the waves are firing, we trade wheels for fins. And if the weekend forecast is for blue skies and fresh powder, we mission to the mountains.


No cars, no rules. Quiksilver board riders just cruising…

The quiver runs deeper than just swallow tails and thrusters, skaters no longer simply live for the streets, and snowboarders don’t hibernate in cabins waiting for the next winter to hit.


Zach Miller getting high at Durban’s ‘Snake’ Park

We are Boardriders. We ride it all. All shapes. All conditions. All day. We are artists, photographers, musicians. We love to travel, to party and to ignore any advice to “take our time and be careful”.


Mzansi’s Mikey February in true style

It’s about chasing a feeling. The feeling you get when rolling down the windy hills of Cape Town on four wheels and some wood. Or looking down an endless line of Indian Ocean unfolding and exploding on your first wave at J­-Bay. Or surrendering to the urban pulse of Durban for a busted ­open night full of anything. It’s about choosing what’s bold instead of what’s easy.


Matt Banting in J-Bay

It’s about feeling the high. We felt it in South Africa. The thrill of living. And now it’s about keeping that high. Using it as a reason to go see what’s around the next bend. What life looks like buckled in at the top of that peak, paddling into the next set or dropping into an unknown pool.


Finding bowls in Durbs…

That’s a style of life worth living. And that’s what our lifestyle is all about.

Stay High!


Sufer and musician Lee Ann Curren gets her high

FULL STORY HERE: quiksilver.com/radicaltimes

*Lead Image: Michael February © Ryan Heywood ­
**Images © Ryan Heywood ­ @ryanheywood
***Film & Edit © Wade Carroll ­ @waddecarroll

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