12 July 2016
As the owners of the Warehouse Building at 1 Da Gama Road Jeffreys Bay, that burnt down in the early hours of 29 June 2016; Cheron Kraak / Country Feeling (Pty) Ltd would like to issue the following statement:
The warehouse at 1 Da Gama Road Jeffreys Bay is currently rented to Billabong/GSM South Africa and used as a warehousing facility. In the wake of the devastating fire, there has been much unfounded speculation as to the cause of the fire, with some local newspapers suggesting arson. These reports are spurious and sensationalist at best, considering that any fire damage over a certain value threshold is investigated by the police and the fire department, and independently by the different insurance companies.
While Billabong/GSM and the Jeffreys Bay SAPS must wait for the final forensic reports before making a statement, as the owners of the building we are in a position to divulge that all the forensic teams appointed to investigate the fire (SAPS and two independent forensic units appointed by by Billabong/GSM and Country Feeling’s insurance companies), have verbally reported that the fire was caused by an electrical fault and that no foul play or arson is suspected.
We wish all those affected by this fire the very best and are greatly relieved that there were no injuries or fatalities. We look forward to rebuilding and restoring the premises as soon as possible.
*Image © Eidie AD van Rensburg / Sourced: Facebook