Last week saw Llewellyn Whittaker deliver one of his first workshops to a crowd of over 60 people which was hosted at Keep it simple surf in Cape Town. It was incredible turn out said Llewellyn Whittaker; he was really humbled by the support of friends from all over Cape Town who attended. The video “Suck my Wake” was an epically awesome video showcasing some incredible surfing by the very talented Captain Fin team. The movie was great as it had all forms of surfing from Dane Reynolds absolutely annihilating waves, to guys and gels on their longboards “hanging ten” on beautiful long open faces.
Volker from Keep it simple surf was also really stoked on such a successful event and was very happy to know that he hosted one of the first of its kind in the Western Cape. It was a fantastic evening for everyone as everyone could have taken something from the evening no matter what level of surfer they were and apply it in their next surf session. Fabian Coetzer was on hand to take some amazing photos of the evening, so a big thank you must go out to him too, this was his feedback after his surf the following day
“Hey Lu, just thought I’d let you know, went for a surf yesterday & this morning, applied some tips from the workshop, looking & leading with hands – especially bottom turns, what a difference. Had so much fun!
As it was the first workshop for Llewellyn from Waves School of surfing there was plenty room for improvements and there was some really positive feedback as to how to improve the workshop. This is really exciting as this workshop can only get better and better with time, said Whittaker. The whole vibe that evening was simply electric and was made even better with a few free-flowing Stripped Horse brews.
The next workshop will be in Jeffrey’s bay on Friday 23rd of March 5 pm at Jeffrey’s bay Craft Brewery number 33 Jeffrey street. It’s going to be an incredible night to be in Jeffrey’s Bay as local ripper Dylan Lightfoot will be premiering his latest release called “j” just around the corner at J-Bay BruCo. So right on your doorstep in J-Bay will be two great events to attend. Llewellyn Whittaker will be looking at collaborating with any brands or business’s top host more of these workshops, he will definitely be looking at doing more in and around Cape Town like Table View, Hout bay Muizenburg and Kommetjie.