23 January, 2014 23 January, 2014

Re-Boot of the Mind – Episode 3 – The Making of ‘True To This’


Flip, being a boarder is the best. You can’t explain the thrills to anyone who is not part of the tribe.

Take these guys in this teaser to Volcom’s upcoming movie “True to This”, for example.

They try describe what goes through their mind while riding their chosen sled – trying to rip the next wave/curb/mountain/whatever.

They can’t.

“Everything goes away…” according to pro skater, Chet Thomas.

Pro snowboarder Jamie Lynn says, “You have to be focussed enough to put yourself in that position, where you really don’t want a whole lot happening upstairs, to really put together what’s happening down underneath your feet.”

Dusty Payne, fully focussed.

We think that is Jamie’s way of saying that all our focus needs to be on shredding, so there’s no time or place to be thinking about the other stuff.

Like a re-boot of the mind every time we ride a wave.

Think about that.

Or don’t, just go shred…

True To This is due for release on 1 March and will be available via iTunes or volcom.com/truetothis

In the meantime, check out Episode 3 of the ‘Making Of’ below.

Also check out Episode 1 and 2 on volcom.com/truetothis


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