Some awful news out of the Eastern Cape this week. Junade Faulkner, J-Bay professional surfer and QS hopeful Joshe Faulkner’s brother, was shot and killed in Graaff Reinet on Monday 08 February 2021. 19 year old Junade had just started his first semester at East Cape Midlands College. More information on the senseless killing here.
It has been a tough time for the Faulkner family as their cousin Rewaldo Abersalie was murdered by gangsters in Pellsrus in March 2020.
Our condolences to the family.
The Faulkner’s are appealing for help to cover the costs of the funeral. Every little bit helps. Details below:
Bank: Absa
Account Holder: J.A Faulkner
Account Number: 9302051700
Branch Code: 632005
*Images from Junade’s Instagram @Junadeklompiie