Hey Zagland, here’s your opportunity to help a brother out and stoke out a whole community!
Ex St. Mike’s local, Steven Howes (who runs the BVI Surf School in Tortola) has both paid for and donated an entire shipping container stacked full of used surf gear to be shipped over to South Africa where it will find a home with Philani Sikobi and the Genesis Wave of Hope Surf Academy on the South Coast of KZN. The container includes 80 surfboards, 6 paddleboards, 6 kayaks, 40 wetsuits, 2 matresses, 10 surfboard bags, 2 dive gear bags, a bag full of fins and 40 leashes.

However, in order for this phenomenal donation to clear customs, Wave of Hope Surf Academy need to raise out R25 000 bucks! And they’re calling on the broader surf community to chip in and help make this happen.
And that’s where you come in. Any donation, big or small (but preferably big)… will go a long way to help stoke out the 65 frothing groms at Genesis Wave of Hope Surf Academy, just itching to get their daily dose. Come on Mzansi, let’s get behind this one.
Genesis Wave of Hope is a registered NPO. If you are able to make a donation, please see their banking details below.

I’m pretty sure the UK surf community could raise that sort of cash in a jiffy.
Thanks so much for this support guys and gals! We are receiving the conatiner on the 5th of december and stuill have R15.000 to raise and are so thankful to those who have already assisted in bringing this sum down! Any help here at alll is appreciated in huge ways and these kids from our indigenous and vulnerable communities will be reaping the benefits if this stoke in leaps and bounds! Our Wave of Hope is shaping the leaders of tomorrow … the leaders we all want to see.
At great donation by a great family you know who you are god bless you