9 January, 2018 9 January, 2018


It’s always so good to hear the story behind the photos that accompany our readers entries, here’s one from Alan Heyns and his family. 
” Pretty much every year we spend some time at our in-laws house out at Groot Brak River.  The day often starts with walking the dog on the beach nice and early before the crowds and sun chase us for cover. 
The walk generally has us returning with one bag containing rubbish. I must say it is mostly my wife and father in-law that are so diligent at picking up even the smallest piece of plastic, glass, bottles, rope you name it. 
Then roughly 2 years ago came our little Zoe Heyns. Following from mommies example when we are walking in the market, on the street, on the beach, any place really our little Zoe now religiously picks up any refuse she may see. I guess you could say that the apple has definitely not fallen far from the tree here, I am so proud of my wife for instilling such environmental consciousness into our little daughter. “
Yet another example of how family time can make a difference, not only to each other but to the waves we love. The Tuffy Clean Your Beach campaign would be nothing without the efforts made by you all. 

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