Competition or not, Hout Bay local of 26 years, Kyle Hugo, has made it a habit to pick up trash every time he walks his dogs, goes for a surf, or makes any kind of mission to the beach. He doesn’t do it for a reward, but he might receive one if he is chosen as a monthly winner in our Tuffy Beach Clean-Up competition, which has five more surfboards to give away compliments of Firewire and Share The Stoke Foundation.
Kyle and his pooches, stoked with their efforts!
“To be honest, I was a little apprehensive whether to enter or not. I walk my dogs most mornings on my local beach, Hout Bay, which isn’t known to be the cleanest of beaches. So picking up rubbish along the way is a natural thing for me to do regardless of this competition. Therefore I almost feel bad trying to gain from it. I hate litter. I can’t stand it and every time I come out the surf; whether that be at my local break, Llandudno, or even if I’m surfing Dunes, which is a long walk; if I pass a plastic bottle, bag, whatever, I will pick it up and carry it until I reach a bin. Imagine how much cleaner our beaches could be if every surfer, bodyboarder and swimmer did this throughout the day?” – Kyle
A different type of ‘getting trashed’ selfie, the type we at Zag prefer!
I’ve lived in Hout Bay for 26 years and still surf Hout Bay main beach in the winter months when the swell gets big enough. I’ve had to paddle past some pretty nasty things in the line-up (women sanitary pads, condoms, etc). Therefore any difference I can make on land will benefit me, my dogs and any other beach goers. This is just three days worth of rubbish collection/photo taking, as well as only collecting on the return part of my walk. That just shows how much rubbish there is. I hope my story makes a little difference but also thank you to the entire Zag team. Your magazine is so sick and the excitement is always the same when ever a new issue is out. Also big up to Tuffy and Firewire for collaborating to one of the greater goods.” – Kyle
The loot!
Click here to read more about our Tuffy Beach Clean-Up competition.