31 March, 2017 31 March, 2017

Starting Young

‘Hi there Zigzag, FireWire, Tuffy and Share the Stoke! 

I’ve just picked up the March issue of Zigzag and thought I’d make special mention of my son Devan, who is 9 years old and very passionate about his environment, especially the beach. Wherever he goes he picks up litter. I even found him picking up litter on his walk home from school. He is especially active when at the beach and will take some goggles and snorkel to dive out bags and other litter from the ocean. I even bought him a litter picker for Christmas for the more dodgy litter that he always insists on picking up. This he started doing off his own back and I wish more children and adults could be like this and know that every bit that we do can make a difference. I know that there are some days that we go to the beach after the weekend and it could be so disheartening that nobody would blame you in saying: “What’s the point?” This has never disheartened Dev. It makes him more adamant to make a difference.
I applaud your efforts in giving this issue media attention and for creating this competition to encourage more people to do their bit. More needs to be done to educate our kids about the impact of litter on our environment and the ocean. So, thank you to all involved in this competition and to the sponsors. May it be the first of many and go a long way in educating our wonderful nation.  We are so blessed to live near the beach and enjoy all it has to offer. 
Kind regards 
Jenny McEwan’

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