28 January, 2016 28 January, 2016

Plastic Pirate Treasure

Durban is home to many surfers, and if we all do our part, like Jordan Sample and family did, it would quickly lose the nickname “Dirtbin.”Jordan along with a small army of mini-groms, got to work at a filthy Pirate Beach shortly after the Duzi. For documenting his efforts, Jordan gains entry into our Tuffy Beach Clean-Up competition, which puts him in the running to win a brand new shred stick compliments of Firewire and Share The Stoke Foundation.


Howzit Zag. While checking out the waves yesterday am, at battery beach, Durban, I noticed quite easily that there was way more litter on the high tide line than normal. I know there was quite a lot of rain on Saturday night but I was still a bit flummoxed as too all the extra polystyrene cups and plates.

It didn’t take me long to put two and two together and remember the Dusi canoe marathon took place this weekend. The penny dropped and it made more sense. Albeit still frustrating that fellow water lovers, many also probably ocean lovers allow this to happen on their watch, their time, and their race.


Anyway, I stupidly decided to not surf right then and wait for a little more swell that may have been for-casted to come through later. My sister then called asking if I wanted to meet up, and sensing a get out of jail free card I said sure, why don’t you bring your groms down to the beach and we can pick up some litter!

To my surprise she was already on the way and I had to dash back to my flat to grab my tuffy bag. Aged 1, 5 and 7 the mini-groms were all over the beach and really got into it. I was explaining how plastics never go away and that they just break down until smaller and smaller pieces until they enter our food chain to the two eldest. While my sister darted around trying vainly mainly to get the lighty to stop putting things in his mouth.


Anyway a nice little bond with my niece and nephews and I was pleasantly surprised to find out by her mom that Camryn, the eldest is an avid recycler at home already. Hook em while they are young I reckon, Cheers for a great mag, and keep up on environmental issues that effect us all. – Jordan Semple

P.S if I win the board, I have pledged to teach the grom how to surf and will let them use my current ride to do so!


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