As a prime destination for tourists, Mozambique generates much of its income as a direct result of the beautiful coastline and abundant marine life, so it’s important to keep it that way. After having learnt about the harmful impact of micro plastics on sea life, 12 year-old Tofo local, Naledi Zeidler set out to make a positive impact in her community by helping organise a full days event aimed at cleaning up. By documenting her efforts, Naledi gains entry into our Tuffy Beach Clean-Up competition, which puts her in the running to win a brand new shred stick compliments of Firewire and Share The Stoke Foundation.
“Sandy, hot greetings from Tofo!” Naledi Zeidler, proud after a hard days work.
“I love to surf. I try to get in the water every day after school and recently I was barrelled for the first time! It makes me so sad when I see litter washed up on Tofo beach. I have been learning about micro plastics and how bad they are for our sea creatures and I wanted to do something to help which is why I entered your competition!”
“These pictures attached are of a beach clean-up that took place on Sunday 08 November on Praia de Tofo. I helped to organise the event which included a volley ball tournament and lots of fun to get the whole community together! I helped by making a poster to advertise the event, by telling people around the town, by cleaning the beach for an hour and joining the festivities! We had the idea to get a trophy made so that we can make it a regular event to keep the beach clean.”
“It would be really great to surf in Tofo on a Firewire, especially knowing about the good work you do to keep our beaches clean.” – Naledi
Naledi doing her part to keep her beautiful home clean and preserve the marine life.