31 December, 2015 31 December, 2015

Bluff Babe Helps Hubby

In an attempt to help her husband win a brand new Firewire, Vicky Botha went to her favourite beach on the Bluff (Garvies), roasted her feet in the hot sand, and due to a few mishaps was unfortunately unable to make as much of an impact as she set out to. However, in her defence, she did try. And by documenting her efforts, Vicky gains entry into our Tuffy Beach Clean-Up competition, which puts her hubby (AKA Kevin Botha) in the running to win a brand new shred stick compliments of Firewire and Share The Stoke Foundation.

Vicky beginning the hot task of cleaning up Garvies!

I have a few steps/events to enter this competition:

Step 1 – It started with my hubby Kevin wanting this Firewire board. So he entered the competition. He couldn’t stop talking about this board for the past month! So I wanted to enter to better his chances.

Step 2 – I went to buy the latest copy of Zigzag, which I opened at home, super excited, only to realise I have the Jan issue! Bummed, but determined I asked my girlfriend’s to keep an eye out. We finally found a mag in shelley beach centre.

Step 3 – Got my bikini, asked my vaalie cuzzy to be my photographer, and off we went to my favourite beach… Garvies (Durban, Bluff).

Bikini on and go time at Garvies.

Step 4 – Ready steady go!  12:00pm at noon, girls in bikini tops, on a windy day, start picking up litter. Due to the wind, all the light weight litter had blown into the sand dunes. So up we go. Half way we were screaming blue murder, sweating like a surfer headed for dry reef! Our feet were roasting. My cuzzy ran halfway down to a piece of concrete to cool down. I eventually dropped down on my knees, on my skirt! The relief! I then got the courage to run down, grabbing a plastic bottle on my way down to the cool, blissful waves. And that is more or less were my attempt  ended.

Conclusion – Hardly any litter was picked up, I had an empty Zigzag Tuffy bag, and a roll of 20 large Tuffy bags. I dreamt of filling those bags after the Christmas holiday litter bugs.

Wishful thinking. However, I did try.

Long skirts come in handy when the sun turns the sand to lava.

Vicky managing to grip one bottle in hot pursuit for the blissful, cool ocean.

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