26 September, 2019 26 September, 2019


Liam Stephenson show us what some guts and hard work can do to clean up some unwanted fishing gut, broken glass and other debris he found on the Jongensfontein beach. You rock Liam!

Hi my name is Liam Stephenson, I am 10 years old and live in Plettenberg Bay. I had a awesome time at Jongensfontein over the weekend. I was having fun looking for hooks and other fishing gear in the rock pools, but when I was doing this I noticed the amount of plastic amongst the rocks. So when l got the Zigzag plastic bag with my magazine, I started to collect all the broken glass, plastic, rusted hooks and fishing gut.I did this with no knife to cut the gut. It hurt my hands collecting all the rubbish from the rocks after a while. I hope other people also used their Zigzag plastic bags in good way to look after nature.

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