Attention Cape Town and Durban: Next Wednesday, 29 April, we’ve got something rad coming your way. For one night only, Kai Neville’s latest film ‘Cluster’ will be showing at the Labia Theatre in Cape Town and Ciao Bella in Durban. And you’re invited…
Starring Cape Town’s own Brendon Gibbens, PE-born shredder Craig Anderson, as well as free surfing stars like Dane Reynolds, Noa Deane and Chippa Wilson, Cluster is not short on surfing action. Kai Neville’s films have become renowned for showcasing the current state of modern surfing, which he packages with his signature style.
The show kicks-off at 8:00pm, but with limited seating available at the Labia Theatre, it’s best to get their early. First come, first serve. Doors open at 7:00pm.
A cash bar will be available at both venues.
Date: Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: (Cape Town) Labia Theatre – 68 Orange Street, Gardens.
(Durban) Ciao Bella – 162 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Point waterfront.
Heh Zag ….so what about the rest of the SA coast line ?
CT and Durbs we know they have the numbers …..but how about somewhere halfway like PE or Jbay?
Or is the bank balance brooo-ken?
Great chow at Ciao Bella but faaaak that. The area is as dodgy as a sober Noa Deanne.