17 March, 2020 17 March, 2020


Accelerate Sport today announced that the City Surf Series has been postponed following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s declaration of a National Disaster due to the Covid-19 outbreak in South Africa.

The decision to postpone the tournament is to comply with the recommendation by SASCOC to postpone competitions of 100 people. With that in mind, the decision to postpone was made in order to protect the local and international surfers, the event staff, their families as well as the surfing fans and the general public.

The 2020 City Surf Series was scheduled to start on the 11th of April. However, given the unfortunate circumstances, Accelerate Sport, World Surf League (WSL) and Surfing SA (SSA) have reached an agreement to suspend the tournament until it is safe to do so.

Daniel Fernando Quinta, CEO of Accelerate Sport said in a statement, “Considering the increasing risks of spreading Coronavirus, we have no choice but to suspend the City Surf Series until further notice. This pandemic poses a huge threat to the well-being of everyone involved, and their health is our top priority. We wish all those affected a speedy recovery”.

Accelerate Sport hope that the Series will be able to return in the latter half of 2020, with a summer series now on the cards. The situation will be monitored on a weekly basis, with a decision on dates to be made in the near future.


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