27 November, 2015 27 November, 2015

Sharp Shooter – Neil Hellerle

The next in our series exposing some of the talented photographers contributing to Shot Bru.

Resident DJ at Miami Boulevard by night and talented surf photographer by day (and night), Durban’s Neil Hellerle has a keen eye for a great moment along the Golden Mile. Neil has been submitting some incredible snaps from his home stretch over the past few years, like some of these gems from his collection:

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See something you like? You can contact Neil on djnaughtyneil@live.co.za for details.
Otherwise find Neil Hellerle on Shot Bru, or have a look at Neil H Photography on Facebook for more.

You can also check out some of our previously featured Sharp Shooters:

Brendan Pieterse
Douge Fresh
Samuel Tomé
Justin Pringle
Sean Thompson
Daniel Dedekind
Ryan Collins
Nic Aberdein
Tyerell Jordaan
Mike Wrankmore
Michael Veltman
Craig Wilson
Bianca Asher
Wesley Davis
Seth Phitides
Peter Chamberlain
Chris Clarke
Alex Mcgeown
Daniel Grebe
Matt van Wieringen
Coetzer Cooke
Fabian Coetzer
Peter Prochaska

1 Comment

  1. Durbz vs CT
    26 November, 2015 at 2:45 pm · Reply

    So there are actually photogs left in Durbz !! -shot Zag and super shots Niel.

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