8 February, 2011 8 February, 2011

with Casey Grant

David Hassel…. erm I mean Casey Grant on the job



In July last year Casey Grant had the country talking after his impressive display at the Mr Price Pro, where he ripped all the way to the final eventually being stopped by world title runner-up Jordy Smith. He finished 2010 off with a bang by taking back-to-back wins in the Lizzard and Fever X-Games events. Come 2011 we bumped into Casey at his home break of Scottburgh and found him decked out in bright red boardies with a whistle hung proudly around his neck. Intrigued we sat down and grilled him about his new job, the future and the Scotties rocks…

ZAG: We see that you have been lifesaving at Scotties over the holidays? Is this a permanent gig?
Casey: Yeah it was but the season is over now so I’m out to surf all day and no ways I’ll get a permanent job.

Spending all day on the beach, keeping tabs on bikinis and waves – it seems like a perfect job for a young red-blooded male surfer. Is it as glamorous as it is made out to be? 
Uhm, shit hey it’s lakka… Kak hours though. It’s pretty hardcore being a surfer and lifeguarding because you just sit and watch epic waves go unridden and that kills me hey. There are also so many kiff things about the job ’cause you meet so many people and it’s always a good feeling to save a life. It’s not lakka when ous are dead or you got to pull up a decomposing body off the beach.

How did you get posted at Scotties in the first place – know people on the inside, creamed the swim-off exam?
I smoked the swim-off even though I had a bender the night before with my mate Shawn Dennis and then celebrated after haha. The Burra needs the best and fittest guys working there because it’s the busiest beach under our control. The other beaches are pretty chilled.

How do you deal with not being able to paddle out when the waves are fun, or, when checking Slade ripping out front and you being stuck behind the binos?
You can’t deal with it..I just wait and then blow him out the water when I’m finished work.

You must have witnessed some poor grom or vaalie eating it on the rocks at Scotties, doing the jump, fishing, whatever? Those rocks are a serious hazard when there are waves. Tell us the worse thing that happened on the beach over the hols.
Brah those rocks are killers. We had tons of ous bailing on them. I must have done like a thousand first aids on people and some were heavy. The worst thing that happened was when I was off duty actually. This cyclist got klapped by a truck near the beach and unfortunately he died in hospital. That was our only death. It was heavy.

Fess up! There must have been some talent on the grassy knoll over December and Jan. Did you crack out the red speedo or Baywatch hair flick and charm any ladies?
Of course I did, I got that shit waxed, haha. But it didn’t work. Well not that I know of. I had some randoms ask for photos and shit but it was ok. I met this one hottie from PMB, we still talk.

Casey going big at New Pier.


What are you getting up to afterhours over the holidays? 
I was at the golf club with the ballies over new years eve and I had two off draughts and my stomach kieshed out so I was home by 10:30. I went to the beach the next morning at 5 and the jols were still going on. I got so rashed by drunk mates after that.

Are you still fishing as much as you used too? When was the last time you speared or hooked something big?
I spear often. Not such a fan of fishing, it’s too boring. I was nailing the Garrick before holidays. Stoked.

Okay some more serious stuff. You got 2nd at the Mr Price Pro last year and gave the world’s number 2 surfer a run for the title. People are talking. You have been claimed as SA’s next big thing. Do you feel any expectations hanging over you?
Yeah so many people are asking so many questions that I can’t answer. It’s hard for me to do the tour full time and doing it half-heartedly is just a waste of money. As long as I keep on improving on my surfing, getting shots and keep people smiling then I’m happy.

You recently changed sponsors and now ride for Lizzard? How did this come about?
Yes, well I’ve always had a good relationship with Gav Roberts so when my contract came to an end with my previous sponsors he gave me the best deal. So that was that hey. It’s tough out there, but I’m sure he’ll look after me.

So Gav’s your big boss. How is it working for someone you grew up surfing with?
It’s classic. I can vloek him about stuff in the water all the time haha, and he keeps me on the button with doing shoots and branding and stuff like that.

What is the plan for Casey Grant in 2011? 
I actually have no real plan right now but I will do some comps overseas and try my best. I am mostly just trying to survive hey. It is wild down here in Scotties. haha.

Shot Casey all the best bru.
Shaap ous. Winter is coming. Yew

Monitoring the swell

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