THE QUIETER YOU ARE THE MORE YOU CAN HEAR. from craig anderson on Vimeo.
Craig Anderson, the Hayden Shapes dude and P.E expat, has given us all a reason to smile this Friday. His new film “The Quieter You Are The More You Can Hear” was stitched together with a little bit of this and a little bit of that from his travels over Indo, Aus, Iceland and everywhere in between.
The beginning resembles a puzzle that’s been kicked to the floor by a toddler screaming for some ‘chokkie’, it’s all over the place. Maybe it’s laid out this way in an attempt to short circuit your brain, giving your senses a chance to reboot from the last hour’s mindless scroll down the gram!
Whatever it is, it hits the mark and kept us glued to the screen for the entire length of the edit, all 10+ minutes of it. As far as surf edits go this one’s personal with a side of exploration. Stoked to see creativity in surfing go beyond the usual and normal dimension.