9 October, 2014 9 October, 2014

What You Put In… (SA Clinch Gold at 2002 World Games)

Along with braais, a couple beverages and lekker music, another thing we know that Saffas really dig is a sporting victory – especially in World Championships. Just have a look at the smiles stretched across the faces of your fellow South Africans when one of our national teams have performed well, and you’ll see it.

Spirits were high among Team SA at the 2002 ISA World Surfing Games in Durban.

Well, back in 2002 at Durban’s North Beach you would have seen it in abundance when the South African surfing team won gold at the Quiksilver ISA World Surfing Games. When it was announced that Team SA had clinched victory by a massive 4000 points, the squad burst into a spontaneous rendition of shosholoza and the patriotic local supporters joined in.

By the end of the nine day event, South Africa could boast of two world champions and eight individual medals in total. Not to mention gold medals for the entire team.

Travis Logie, triumphant.

“Standing on the podium with thousands of people cheering and singing on the North Beach promenade was an amazing feeling,” said Travis Logie, the newly crowned world champ. “(Fellow finalist) Mark Bannister probably summed it up best when he nudged me and said, ‘How huge is this for South African surfing?’ It’s done a lot for the confidence of our surfers and shown the world that South Africa is a nation to be reckoned with.”

And we’re still a force to be reckoned with internationally. South Africa are the current ISA World Champs and we’ll be defending our title later this month in Peru at the 2014 ISA World Surfing Games starting 24 October.

For Throwback Thursday this week, we look back to 2002 when South Africa beat the world at home. “What You Put In…” was the title of the story reporting on SA’s victory in Zigzag Vol. 26 No.4.

(click images to view larger and read article)



The victorious winning team consisted of:

OPEN: Travis Logie (Gold); Davey Weare; Brad Bricknell; Simon Nicholson
JUNIORS: Warwick Wright (Gold), Ricky Basnett (Silver), Dan Redman; Gerard du Plessis
WOMEN: Heather Clarke (Bronze); Tamarys de Maroussem (nee Walters)
LONGBOARD: Jason Ribbink (Copper)
KNEEBOARD: Gigs Celliers (Silver)
BODYBOARD MEN: Philip Rodrigues (Bronze); Darren Halse
BODYBOARD WOMEN: Kamala Skipper (nee Botha)

It wasn’t only the public that were stoked, Zag 26.4 was also loaded with congratulatory messages from sponsors:






Stay connected to isasurf.org as Team SA look to defend their title at the 50th anniversary of the ISA World Surfing Games later this month.

(Below) Zigzag issue 26.4 as it appeared on the shelves more than a decade ago.


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