Take a trip around the Western Cape with photographer Ian Thurtell as he tells the story behind his candid collection of shots capturing the happenings around the Atlantic side of South Africa…

Missions up the coast with Luke Slijpen and Eli Beukes are always a good laugh. They are such genuine young shredders who constantly push each other - whether it's in competition or free surfs. They have a great friendship/rivalry. I think that they are definitely the future of SA surfing.

Eli taking in a wide cappuccino with a extra froth.

Whilst Luke has a decaf latte.

Max Elkington's backhand tube riding is just so silky.

Here is Max's 'lemur stance'.

A shot from a Shane Sykes evening session.

The swell was solid in Cape Town. Max and Luke decided to cool off from the summer heat while we were waiting for the tide to change. I got soaked.

This was the same morning that I got the shot of Aden Kleve that was featured in the 'People Like Us' section in the 'big issue' of Zigzag ( 41.1).

I always look for the more challenging waves to get shots. A lot of the young rippers have infections enthusiasm and will give any ledge a go. Here's Jake Elkington entangled in one of them.

We had been up since 4am, driven for hours, surfed some new spots and arrived back home at 8pm to see the local spot firing.

Shooting with Michael February is always a pleasure.

On this day we hit a wave that he had never surfed and I had never photographed it.

So lining up the angles was tricky at first but we both got into the swing of things.

Luke Slijpen is right at home in the icy barrels.

As demonstrated here.

And here.

Tanika and myself had had this type shoot in mind for a while but to get the right conditions isn't easy.

To the viewer this is an appealing shot but in reality the water was 9 degrees. I was in a 5'4 hooded wetsuit and booties and Tanika was braving the cold.

Shane Sykes was down in Cape Town finishing up his web clip so I used the opportunity to get some shots. The swell was hectic while he was here but he is always frothing for the potential of Llandudno. He was the only one out this day.

The East Coast has some amazing setups. It's hard to leave your local spot when you know that there will be waves but that is what the surfing dream is all about. We arrived here to the sight of a Dunes lookalike but with 19 degree water.

Max finding a left to his liking.

And a right for Luke.

Max with the 'leaning lemur' approach.

And the more traditional approach.

The sun was dipping and it was time to go home. As I was making my way in Luke caught another epic little left.