26 January, 2018 26 January, 2018

Turnin in Durban

Cyclone season is here, and whilst some have stayed inside with the curtains closed in fear others have taken it to the next level and been dropping into some absolute heat! Starting last week Saturday, KZN has been collecting some solid swell all the way down the East Coast. Durban has been no exception with prime conditions creating some quality waves out in the city. Although the wave has been rather tricky at times and riddled with closeouts, some screamers rolled through and the boys and girls out in the water made sure they were in the right place at the right time to accept these bombs with open arms.

A pumping rip made the paddle feel like it was out of that Proclaimers song ‘500 Miles’ and if you didn’t time your jump off the pier just right you would be left pulling sand out from under your eyelids. For some the wave took more than their energy, it claimed their boards, with a few comrades out in the line up snapping their sleds. All in all, the conditions held out for three cooking days of surf, hopefully, this cyclone swell is just a taste of what’s to come!  

Anyway, enough about that and back to the real reason you found yourself on this page – the wave. Bellow is a gallery put together by Luke Patterson over the last couple days in , we hope you enjoy it: 

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