18 April, 2020 18 April, 2020

Surfers Step Up!

Surfers all around South Africa are coming together to directly support their local communities through the Coronavirus crisis.

As you well know, the current and ongoing 35-day lockdown has forced all non-essential businesses to close, leaving thousands of wage-earning employees across the country without any income. Again, you know the situation in the average South African township. Many live right on, or below, the poverty line and survive on a day-to-day, hand-to-mouth basis. Many live in overcrowded single-room accommodation, scraped together from an assortment of materials, with no running water.  Locking down in these circumstances is basically intolerable. Add hunger and desperation to the mix and it’s fuel to an already volatile situation.

** Featured Image – Greg Ewing

Here’s where you come in. Surfers around the country are stepping in and stepping up to help alleviate the food security crisis in our neighbouring communities. It doesn’t matter how or who you help in these times, as long as you do something.

Roll up your sleeves and get involved. Beyond donating to the Solidarity Fund, many citizens of the salt have been doing their bit, fundraising and using said funds to buy and distribute food and essential products to those most in need.

Here’s a list:

Let’s feed JBay:

Jordy Smith – “You all know our favorite right-hander #jbay. Well, what you might not know is that the less fortunate community are in desperate need of food. Everyone deserves to eat. So please help in any way you can to donate towards feeding families. I know @letsfeedjbay will appreciate it.”

Donate here!

Let’s feed Elands Bay:

Greg Bertish – “You have surfed their waves and visited their town… now they need your help. Many of the families of Elands Bay are fisherfolk. Many are now unable to fish or work. Many families have already run out of money and food. Although Easter time has passed your donations will not be turned away and will be put to good use. Use the reference ‘Elands Bay’ when donating so we can ensure it goes to the right place.”

Donate here!

Let’s feed Hout Bay:

Frank Solomon – “Hout Bay is BIG. 80’000 people call it home. This is a time of uncertainty and a lot of our neighbours need our help. The efforts to support one another in the valley has been amazing, we would love to see these efforts and contributions increase. No matter how big or small the contribution it will help. Every single bit of effort makes a difference and gives hope for the communties immediate future.” 

Donate here!

Let’s feed KZN:

The Robin Hood Foundation – “We are in a time where we can easily be so overwhelmed by fear and anxiety; let us focus on building our faith, building our gratitude, leading our people, creating solutions, spreading hope and helping others. At Robin Hood, we’ve seen on more than one occasion what we can do when we work together.”


Surfers Not Street Children:

SNSC – “Many challenges have been overcome to ensure that street-connected children have access to safe play and development through surfing, mentorship & care in South Africa & Mozambique. They have never faced a challenge like COVID-19 presents now. With high levels of HIV/Aids, we face particular risks.  In short, they are committing to the following 5 step plan to support the children through the lockdowns in South Africa & Mozambique.”

Let’s feed Strandfontein:

Matt Bromley – “9 Miles Project is an amazing NGO that mentors and supports kids from the Strandfontein area. Having been an ambassador for them for many years, I’ve seen the amazing work that they are doing; building young leaders with strong values who can impact the community of Strandfontein around them.”

During the COVID-19, our Food team, and committed community partners, are working round the clock to ensure that vulnerable people in the Strandfontein informal settlements receive hearty meals 7 days per week! Our numbers have increased to 6 x 80L pots and we are now feeding 1500 meals per day. Now that the lockdown has been extended our communities need your help more than ever.  If you would like to donate a gift in kind, we are happy to collect from you. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to give an online gift of love please use any of the payment options below.
How’s this incentive:
The good people at 101 Learn Online, as well as Matt Bromley, are giving 50% of their online surf course sales to 9 Miles for the next 2 weeks.


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