The Department of Mineral Affairs has granted licences to ENI and Sasol to conduct exploratory drilling for oil off the KZN coastline (off Richards Bay in the north, and Port Shepstone in the south). If the project continues, we will be exposed to great risks, in the short term as well as further down the line.
We have until September 30th, 2019 to appeal. Here are some reasons to sign the petition:
1. Exploratory drilling activities directly threaten marine life off our coast, harming or killing fish, whales, dolphins and krill, with potentially devastating implications for the regional tourism industry, residents and local fisheries.
2. Long-term dangers of offshore mining include ongoing environmental damage at all phases of operation (such as noise, air pollution, aesthetic pollution and potential oil spills/ gas leaks).
3. In light of a global environmental crisis and South Africa’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, our Government is committed to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable energy. Offshore oil mining directly contradicts these commitments, as it will increase our emission levels. This project goes against all efforts to stop global warming and the environmental crisis that threaten humanity’s very survival over the next few decades, and as such, we deem it unacceptable.
4. We object to this action on the part of the Department of Mineral Affairs, which serves to enrich mining companies at the expense of local communities, our natural heritage and the well being of future generations.