21 February, 2019 21 February, 2019

Most Dank as Funk Thing You’ll Read All Day

Video surf content from South Africans by South Africans can be hard to come by. Thankfully Monster Energy has put together a wonderful contest that will invigorate the cream of the crop to produce video content and splash it all over Instagram. To view all video content you can either follow the hashtag #MonsterCombo2019 on Instagram or wait till the videos are uploaded right here

Includes the Middle Class

Many online surf contests are aimed at the surf aristocracy. The elite. But thankfully, Monster Energy has put together a contest which makes room for the middle class. The proletarians if you will. If you can attack the lip like a badass, then get a mate behind the lens and apply yourself to linking three hail marry blitz attacks and let us see what Trav Logie and Beyrick think about that. We wanna see the working class heroes give the pros a run for their money. The next blog Zag gives writes, damnit we wanna write about an underdog who took down big names! A Robin Hood who surfing vigilante. 


Ian Thurtell ©

Old School Shredders:

A couple of years back, maybe like 5 or so, I took the cliche South African’s surf pilgrimage to the cesspit that is Bali. We surfed Uluwatu with some of planet earth’s finest talent, the talent included the likes of Yadin Nicole, Yago Dora, Evan Geiselman and a host of other pros who had been wondering around Bali post the Mad Hueys QS event at Keramas. One sunny afternoon, post-Uluwatu shred sesh and while sipping on a fresh coconut I witnessed Ryan Payne stroke into a set wave between Temples and Race Tracks.

Ryan went on to do three of the best turns I had seen my entire trip! Deep bottom turn, straight into the lip, drop down, another deep bottom turn and straight up to present the lip with a brutal uppercut. Repeat. Ryan was looking a touch overweight, perhaps too many crafties on kloof, but damn those were the three best turns I’d witnessed all trip. Yago Dora, who’s that!? I guess what I’m trying to say is we want to see those old school shredders, those homies that used to be pro but have succumbed to the nine to five, we want to see those guys drop some monster combos and slap around some groms!

The Audience Can Vote:

Ahhh isn’t democracy wonderful!? We all get to collectively cast our vote. Root out corruption and build a better future for our children! Prevent the Guptas from taking the win and cast your vote right here

The Prizes are Dank: 

R20 000 cash. Channel Islands Surfboard for every month. A free surf trip. R10 000 for the winning videographer. Christmas come early baby, and the forecast looks surfy AF.

Waves and Surfers From All Corners of South Africa

South Africa has an abundance of waves. Yet we often see imagery from surf zone hubs. We’d like to see content from underground surfers who exist off the beaten track. Maybe we’ll even see an entry from someone on an asymmetrical board at The Ledge or maybe even a longboarder at Pipe in PE. Who knows! Anything is possible.

Hail Mary’s Are so Last Year

One Turn Wonders are so last year: Combos are in. We don’t just want to see how you landed a full roat, we wanna see how you got there. We want to see multiple big manoeuvres on one wave! We want to see big turns, big airs and big barrels all on one wave. Give to us! And deliver it upsized.

Greg Ewing ©

More Airs

Let’s be honest, South Africans as a nation of surfers aren’t the best aerialists that walked the planet. Yeah sure South Africans can land some dope air reverses, but when was the last time (besides Jordy Smith or Brendon Gibbens) where a South African landed an air which made you question the well-being of his knees? Yeah, there have been a couple cute air reverses but hopefully, the Monster Combo will make homies wanna punt some XL sized airs. Airs that make you question some stuff!

Travis Logie is a Judge

Who can testify against Travis Logie being a judge? Were you on the world tour? Are you the current QS commissioner? Do you travel the world consistently watching the best in the world compete? Yep, we thought so. You haven’t and you don’t. Trav might be short, but his reputation precedes his stature.

If there’s anyone in South Africa that thinks Trav isn’t worthy to hold court and bring down the gavel, let him stand up now or forever hold his peace. 

Beyrick busts a man sized straight air.

Beyrick is a Judge 

There are two reasons we’re stoked Beyrick’s a judge. Reason number one: Beyrick knows how to put together a good combo! His surfing is smooth as butter and his turns more powerful than a Mohammed Ali uppercut to the jaw of Joe Frazier – Rumble in the Jungle style. So if Beyrick votes for a winner, you can know that the win is deserved. The other reason is with a sigh of relief, ‘at least that means Beyrick won’t be allowed to enter!’

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