Derek Horlock, remember that guy? The young gung-ho charger from the south coast that pulled into a dirty, frothing, dark beast. Did battle. And walked away with the 2017 Striped Horse Challenge title. If you could render a caricature from that wave it would no doubt resemble Jafar, pure evil.
What a moment that was. The stuff movies are made of. Well, in conjunction with Striped Horse, BOS, Hurricane, and Zag kicking off the 2018 edition of the Striped Horse Challenge we got together with Deeekup down the south coast to dig a little deeper into what comes with winning. We also got waves.
Although the south coast didn’t crank out Striped Horse Challenge quality on the day, it was still a classicly perfect day. Providing us with a taste of whats to come this winter and what we hope to see ping in our inboxes as this year’s entries roll in. Just another day for a south coast charger, content, Striped Horse in hand as he waits for that Hawaiian winter. Dreams do come true.