28 November, 2012 28 November, 2012

Josh Redman aims to raise awareness for his horny friends

Big Josh Redman has a soft heart underneath that manly, tangled beard and he’s off to charge some big waves to raise some awareness for his horny friends – nope not the rest of the Malicious Mustache crew, but rhinos.

While he’s not an official ambassador for the ‘stop rhino poaching’ campaign, he does feel strongly about the pointless killing of these majestic creatures for ‘medicine’. It’s why he’s emblazoned his entire quiver of ‘rhino chasers’ with messages of support and awareness, hoping to open the eyes of all those he takes off deeper than at Mavericks, or cruises past on the North Shore bike path.

“I dont have any official ties to the rhino poaching foundation, I am just passionate about it and our country as a whole. This is just something that is out of control and we need all the help we can get.” says Josh.

“I can’t personally make much of a difference financially, so I’ve dedicated my USA/Hawaii 2012/2013 Winter quiver as platforms to raise awareness on my travels. Whatever small effort I make can hopefully contribute to the fight. Everyone wants the fight to continue, but not as many people actually do something. Just go to www.stoprhinopoaching.com and read the stats, you’ll be shocked. Make a donation, every bit counts!”

Zag’s not sure about you, but if Josh stared us down and told us to do something it would be just as effective, but it’s a nice gesture from the big wave charger who left today to join Twiggy and Frank Solomon in Northern Cali, hoping to score some bombs at Mavs.


  1. Sharon
    29 November, 2012 at 6:08 am · Reply

    i just you are a true salt of the earth type of guy it’s wonderful what you believe in

  2. David Wallace-Bradley
    29 November, 2012 at 9:27 am · Reply

    Right on, Josh!  Have fun in Cali!


  3. Brob
    30 November, 2012 at 7:05 am · Reply

    That bottom photo is priceless good job Big Red!

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