1 April, 2015 1 April, 2015

Gem Collecting – with Ricky Basnett

Ricky, feeling right at home on his new (old) wooden stick.

Howzit Ricky, we saw you cruising down the line on what looks like a wooden plank! So naturally, we’re obligated to ask you: what’s the story behind the photo? 
Ja, that thing is epic! I actually found it online (laughs). It’s one of the best buys I’ve ever made. The shaper (Willie Rheeder) is now on speed dial and we’re going to be working on some stuff together for sure! It’s a gem of a find.

So, how does it go?
The board absolutely flies. Originally it had a little twin-fin setup but I replaced them with two really small, long ‘stabilizer-type’ fins. That day (the photo was taken) was super glassy three to four-foot Ansteys. I hadn’t ridden it in anything over two foot yet, but it loved the extra size! You just have to set your line and it takes off like a freaking tornado! I even got pitted on it.

The latest weapon.

Do you play around with different shapes and designs a lot or was this a once-off experience?
I don’t think I even own a regular board anymore. These days I find it extremely boring riding the boards that I used to surf on tour. Anything goes, from freaking bodyboards to longboards and anything in between. It’s all about riding what suits the conditions and what I can have the most fun on, that’s the whole point isn’t it?

Word on the street is that you’re quite keen on sourcing and collecting these different, older shapes. What method works best for finding them?
Online is the easiest bet, but I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve that I won’t be sharing. All I can say is that you’ve got to search high and low!

Blowing tail in Madagascar.

What’s better: a) Testing out a new, unique shape for the first time or b) paddling out on the first proper winter swell to hit Cave Rock?
Well, a few days ago I got to do both. I paddled out on the first little swell at the Rock on a new (old) little 5’6″ twinny, and the lines it drew were so kiff. You can’t beat that!

How many boards are sitting in your current quiver? And which is your favourite?
My quiver isn’t that big at all actually. I reckon if they ‘vai’ well, pass them on to others. In saying that, there’s an Errol Hickman and a Peter Daniels that I wouldn’t get rid of quickly. And the stand-up bodyboard I got from Scotty Venter is probably my favourite board for these last summer days. I’ve had some killer jols on that thing!

A different kind of board for a different kind of tour in Ghana.

We also heard you were lucky enough to come across an abandoned gem not too long ago?
Ja, I found a T&C belly-board in pristine condition. It’s like a bodyboard but resin glassed. What a luck! Turned out to be an old Bluff ballie’s board that was just sitting in his garage.

Sitting comfortably in the Madagascan shade on a single fin tube slayer.

Another lucky find.

1 Comment

  1. Inner board Slut
    7 April, 2015 at 10:32 am · Reply

    Ricky Bobby you got the right idea china …..Gumtree it bro and let the inner board slut go wild !!!

    Only three real minor disadvantages :
    1) Space to keep all of em-wife will moan guaranteed .

    2) Your shaper will be slightly annoyed at your abscence of you getting boards elsewhere at half price.
    3) Future sessions can have a board selection dilemma….each of em screaming at you like little babies ….”Take me out….take me out!!!”

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