14 June, 2013 14 June, 2013

Find the Golden Ticket & Win a Quiver from Spider

Three Zag addicts have already been stoked out with fresh new quivers in our Golden Ticket giveaway, after finding a winning ticket in their copy of the mag. They are Michael Moller from the Boland, Bruce Wise from Cape Town and Jerome Rautenbach from Salt Rock.

Better still, Zag’s going to keep going Willy Wonka on our readers, with a further five more quivers to give away.

Jerome (left) and Michael (right), stoked with their new boards.

Jerome (left) and Michael (right), stoked with their new boards.

To win one is simple – just buy a copy of your favourite magazine and hold thumbs that you find the Golden Ticket lurking inside. There’s no ‘enter here’, or ‘SMS now to stand a chance’; If you find the ticket, you’re a winner. Better yet, subscribe to Zag and get the Golden Ticket delivered to your postbox, maybe!

This issue’s prize comes courtesy of legendary Durban shaper, Spider Murphy of Safari Surfboards.


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