28 January, 2019 28 January, 2019

Conner & Parker Coffin Shred Hawaii

Conner and Parker Coffin, the latest to sink there teeth into the online realm. The two really really ridiculously good looking blue steel pulling brothers decided to say ‘f**k this’ to a drizzly weekend in Cali and pulled together a three-day strike mission to Hawaii. Must be nice hey. Imagine the thought process:

Conner: Lame, this weather blows bra!

Parker: Bra, Its so totally lame bra… Like, maybe Hawaii might be cooking bra.

Conner: Bra, yah bra, let’s go to Hawaii bra… ya

Parker: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

With the Da Hui Backdoor Shootout playing out, the Coffins dragged themselves into a hella laka Haleiwa session, taking Hawaii as it should – easy. The first bit, like any VLOG these days, is pure nonsense…. but then comes the surfing, that’s tasty.

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