Conner and Parker Coffin, the latest to sink there teeth into the online realm. The two really really ridiculously good looking blue steel pulling brothers decided to say ‘f**k this’ to a drizzly weekend in Cali and pulled together a three-day strike mission to Hawaii. Must be nice hey. Imagine the thought process:
Conner: Lame, this weather blows bra!
Parker: Bra, Its so totally lame bra… Like, maybe Hawaii might be cooking bra.
Conner: Bra, yah bra, let’s go to Hawaii bra… ya
Parker: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
With the Da Hui Backdoor Shootout playing out, the Coffins dragged themselves into a hella laka Haleiwa session, taking Hawaii as it should – easy. The first bit, like any VLOG these days, is pure nonsense…. but then comes the surfing, that’s tasty.