9 September, 2015 9 September, 2015

Barrel Battle Enters Fourth Round (Monster Pitstop)

The penultimate leg of South Africa’s only online tube riding competition – the Monster Pitstop – has kicked off with more than R10 000 in prizes once again up for grabs by this month’s winning entry.

Weskus local, Jaco Steyn has entered this sick Indo tube into Leg 4 of the Monster Pitstop.

The Monster Pitstop powered by Zigzag in association with O’Neill, Vestal, Skullcandy and Neff is contested over five legs, with the winner of each leg not only taking out the epic monthly prize* but also earning a place in the ‘Pit of the Year’ grand final, where it will be in with a shot at over R32 000** in cash and prizes.

So far three of the five finalists have been decided: Cape Town’s Granville West took out the first leg with a long, dredging tube at Donkey Bay in Namibia filmed by Kai Linder; Southern Cape local Adin Jeenes, meanwhile, claimed the win in Leg 2 with a ridiculous below-sea-level barrel he scored while in Indonesia that was filmed by Jonathan Morales; Leg 3 was another tightly fought barrel battle, but 2013/14 Big Wave World Tour champion Twiggy Baker took top honours with a huge pit at Mexico’s infamous Puerto Escondido filmed by Daniel Balbuena.

This leaves just two spots remaining in the ‘Pit of the Year’ grand final, with the fourth surfer in contention for the title to be announced at the end of this month.

Twiggy won the August leg with an incredible barrel at Puerto Escondido.

The Monster Pitstop is open to any South Africa surfer who has one of their epic tube rides – from anywhere in the world – caught on video. Because evidence is required to be in contention, prizes are split evenly between the surfer and videographer who filmed the ride. 2014 winner Benji Brand, however, recorded his own ride with a GoPro and doubled his winnings when he took out the ‘Pit of the Year’ title.

Go to www.monsterpits.co.za to view all the entries so far and to enter your own sick clip.



For the Surfer:

R5000 hamper from O’Neill

For the Videographer:
Vestal Brig Tide & Train Watch – valued at R2975
Skullcandy Shrapnel Local Only Speaker – valued at R899
Skullcandy Riot Buds – valued at R299
Neff Cap – valued at R399
Neff Watch – valued at R499
Neff Daily Sunglasses – valued at R299


For the Surfer:
R15 000 cash + Vestal Heirloom Watch valued at R5,500

For the Videographer:
R10 000 cash + Skullcandy Air Raid Speaker valued at R1,999


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