10 August, 2018 10 August, 2018

2018 Tuffy Clean Your Beach July Winner

A Crew of Hout Bay people have created the Sentinel Alliance, set up to teach the local kids to respect where they live, learn to surf and stay in school. Hout Bay has two poor communities, the Hangberg area, and Imizamo Yethu, with many kids not having the chance to have a normal life.

Chad and Anele, the two instructors, and Sentinel alliance get together with the kids every Saturday. Last month on one of those days Jerome Alexander and the crew did a massive beach cleanup with the kids, then had an education session and the damage of plastic to the environment, how surfing can lead to careers and travel opportunities, followed by a surf and boerie braai. 

Jerome, Chad, Anele and the Sentinal Alliance well-done dudes. Keep doing what you doing its the small stories like this that put a smile on everyone’s face here in the Zag cave. Such rad vibes you’re putting out there, and we’re so stoked to send you guys a fresh new Firewire. It’s all about what you put out into the universe. 


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