INTERZONE is the latest high-octane edit from Issue 48.2 cover star, Eli Beukes. The core-surf edit captures the pure essence of Eli’s surfing in various spots throughout South Africa and Réunion Island. According to Eli, the majority of the footage was shot over SA’s winter months with a couple odd clips from just after and some from before.
This dynamic compilation, featuring months of raw and exhilarating footage, and, according to Eli, was put together to inspire surfers to get out there!
“It’s just raw surfing with some great tracks to complement that. I hope it gets people amped to surf,” he said.
The name you ask? “INTERZONE has reference to the first Joy Division track as well as the definition behind it being something occurring between two or more zones,” Eli explains. “Which connects to the zones we filmed (SA and Reunion Island).”
The film showcases Eli’s distinct powerful and stylish approach, paired with a handpicked soundtrack that perfectly complements his rhythm and flow. Tracks like Joy Division’s Interzone and the Pixies’ The Thing amplify the raw, visceral energy of the edit, while Max Carter’s In Liquid Sunlight and The Olivia Tremor Control’s Green Typewriters bring reflective tones to the experience.
Filmed by: Pete Beukes, Rex Nink-Mowday, Alan van Gysen, Will Bendix, Ian Thurtell, Daniel Grebe, Alan Robb and Ernst Ohlhoff
Edited by: Eli Beukes
Title Graphic by: Adam Black