22 June, 2023 22 June, 2023

Always Then | Surf Film Ft Blake Crankshaw and Friends

‘Always Then’ is a project Blake Crankshaw has been working on for two years. As both a surfer and filmmaker, Blake’s aim was to produce a surf film that reflected both of these passions. 

We caught up with Blake to find out more about ‘Alway Then’. This is what he had to say, “Hey Zag, I’ve recently finished my latest surf film. A film that was documented over the process of two years in various remote parts of South Africa. 

With the aim of getting as far off the beaten track as possible and surfing the heaviest and best waves we could find in the process. The film features some of SA’s top surfers such as Sean Holmes, Adin Jeans, Bruce Taplin, myself and more!”.
It’s good to see young SA surfers putting together surf projects and tapping into the abundant waves we have on our coastline. Sit back and enjoy.

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