The cross-country Corona Coastal Cleanup Tour headed up by Frank Solomon, has officially kicked off. The trip stretching from Durban to Cape Town, will see Frank visit various NGO’s, marine biologists,... read more →
Ken Hutchings, the October winner of the Tuffy Clean Your Beach competition. A great effort, especially considering that hellish trap getting back up that hill in Smitswinkel Baai. Well,... read more →
The European Parliament has just earned themselves some serious street cred as they voted for a ban on single-use plastics in a bid to stop pollution entering the world’s oceans.... read more →
Some ocean scientists are advocating for storing captured CO2 emissions in the deep ocean. Nope, this ain't a scene out of a Matt Damon movie, it's legit and not so... read more →
The city of Kwinana, Western Australia, is trying out a super simple, and cost-effective solution to significantly reduce the discharge of waste from outflow pipes. The town installed nets in efforts... read more →
A Crew of Hout Bay people have created the Sentinel Alliance, set up to teach the local kids to respect where they live, learn to surf and stay in school.... read more →
Now, this is what the Tuffy Clean Your Beach in association with Firewire and Share the Stoke Foundation campaign is all about, good clean family fun. Thank you, each and... read more →
The term “plastic” refers broadly to any material that can be shaped or molded into a specific form. Before modern-day plastics were created, glass and clay were considered “plastics,” along... read more →
Our seas are choking on plastic. Sounds like we flogging a dead horse here. Plastic this, plastic that. But I mean, shit. It's such a pressing issue and as an... read more →
Unless you've been living under a rock, like that oue from Sponge Bob, you would be aware of the pressure plastic places on our oceans, but how much do you... read more →