SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 6'6” x 22” x 2 3∕5”- 42.5L FIN SETUP: 5 fin An amazing little board perfect for riding nearly anything. Good for beginners and advanced surfers. ... read more →
SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 6’4” x 20” x 2 1⁄2” - 35L FIN SETUP: Thruster FCS II Swallow channel bottom board for Shane. High performance shortboard for the big guys. ... read more →
SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 6’4” x 22” x 2 1/2’’ - 40.2L FIN SETUP: 5 fin An amazing little board perfect for riding nearly anything. Good for beginners and advanced... read more →
SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 7’2” x 25” x 2 3⁄4” – 60L FIN SETUP: 5 fin This board was designed to float a guy around the 110kg mark but still... read more →
SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 5’8” x 22” x 23/4” - 43L FIN SETUP: Keel fin setup A design that has stood the test of time. EMAIL: CELL: (+27) 82... read more →
OOM KOOS SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 6’10” x 2 1/2” x 3” FIN SETUP: 5 fin This is our Oom Koos model for the older, heavier okes. This shape can... read more →
APOCALYPSE SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 5’10” x 18 3⁄4” x 2 3⁄8” FIN SETUP: Thruster High performance surfboard for the intermediate surfer, single concave right through, with a little flick... read more →
APOLLO II SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 5’6 x 17 5/8 x 2 3/16 FIN SET UP: Thruster This is Luke Malherbe’s high performance surfboard for ISA Worlds in California. It... read more →
OOM KOOS SHAPER: Thys Strydom DIMENSIONS: 7’6” x 23 1/8” x 3 1/8” 62L FIN SETUP: Thruster, Quad or 5-fin This board has extreme floatation and will float anybody. This... read more →
SHAPER: Glen Row DIMENSIONS: 5’9” x 18” x 2’1/4” FIN SET UP: Thruster Custom shaped for Jake Elkington. This is Jake’s latest board on which he placed 3rd in the... read more →