SHAPER: Clayton Neinaber DIMENSIONS: 6'0''x 18 1/2" x 2 1/4" DESIGN The Super Nova An amazing all rounder. Designed and refined in Oz at Snapper, then bought back to our... read more →
Shaper: Roderick Davey Dimensions: 5'11 x 19" x 2 3 / 8" Design: The K-Mod Designed specifically with the goofy foot surfer in mind... Plenty paddle... Tons of hold off... read more →
SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 6'0" x 21 3/4" x 2 3/4 " DESIGN: The "Bulldog" was designed by Richie Rispel and myself after spending some time in the shaping bay... read more →
SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 7'0" x 21 1/4 " x 2 1/4 " DESIGN: Let me introduce you to the Mini-Noserider, a board that was developed as a substitute for... read more →
Dimensions: 6?1? x 19 7/8? x 2 1/2? swallow Model: The Burner for 90kg - 6'1" tall surfer. The Burner - order 2 inches shorter than your standard short board... read more →
Dimensions: 5?11? x 18 5/8? x 2 1/8? squash Model: The Burner for Team Rider Diran Zakarian 70kg - 6'0" tall. The Burner - order 2 inches shorter than your... read more →
SHAPER: Rusty Preisendorfer DIMENSIONS: 5'10" x 19" x 2 5/16" DESIGN: The front end has a slightly fuller nose and a relaxed rocker. It paddles well, makes the drop and... read more →
SHAPER: Clayton Neinaber DIMENSIONS: 5'5" x 18 3/4" x 2 1/4" Come in to test ride! ENQUIRIES: 44 Milne Road Durban Tel: (+27) 31 368 4825 Fax: (+27) 31 368... read more →
SHAPER: Simon Fish DIMENSIONS: No Excuses Board: 9'0'' x 20'' x 3'' Design detail: Shaped for Ryan Payne. This board is designed for progressive big wave surfing & Ryan is... read more →
SHAPER: Pierre de Villiers DIMENSIONS: 10' Plus Cruiser DESIGN: For Danny's dad. Very easy to paddle and surprisingly loose.The art is an old memory made part of the functional now.... read more →