THE “DUO” SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 5’10” x 20 ½” x 2 ½” FIN SETUP: Two double-foiled box fins The “DUO” is basically a new feel in an old design.... read more →
THE DOMINATOR SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 5’6” x 19 ¾” x 2 ½” FIN SETUP: Thruster The Dominator has the wide point moved up two inches forward of centre giving... read more →
The PUGG SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 6’0” x 21 7⁄8” x 2 7⁄8” FIN SETUP: 5-fin The Pugg is a small board with ample area and volume throughout, with a... read more →
THE DOMINATOR SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 5’6” x 19 ¾” x 2 ½” FIN SETUP: Thruster The Dominator has the wide point moved up two inches forward of centre giving... read more →
MINI SIMMONS SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 5’’2” x 21” x 2 3/4” FIN SETUP: Twin-keel Plenty of area in a short space allows it to paddle like a longboard but... read more →
SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 6’0” x 21” x 2 5/8” DESIGN: WIDE WINGER A nice fun easy to paddle board that will carry you over those flat dull sections as... read more →
SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 5’2” x 21” x 2 3/4” DESIGN: Mini Simmons Keeping it short and wide, allows a lot of area into a short space allowing it to... read more →
SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 5’7” x 20” x 2 1/2” DESIGN: The Dominator The Dominator has been designed with volume in the chest area and a nice flatter rocker with... read more →
SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 7'0" x 21 3/4" x 2 3/4" DESIGN: Mini Noserider The most versatile mid-range board around. This full-volumed board has a full nose and comes as... read more →
SHAPER: Hugh Thompson DIMENSIONS: 6'1" x 20" x 2 1/2" DESIGN: Tommo The Tommo was initially designed for myself. I needed a shortboard with a bit more width all round... read more →