28 August, 2012 28 August, 2012

Safari Surfboards

Spider Murphy

Hydro X
Designed to Xtract every last ounce of energy from a wave and capable of handling the Xtremes of solid power waves to mushy beach breaks, the Hydro X excels across South Africa and abroad. It is the board of choice for J-Bay, Indo and the Mentawais because of its incredible speed and performance in the barrel. A fullish outline and light single concave take the capability of Spider’s bottom deck Hydro-Channels to new levels. The result is an all-round high performance board suiting everyone from the average surfer to the hardcore competitor.

Safari Surf
6 Milne Street
Durban, South Africa, 4001
Tel: (+27) 31 337 4230
Fax: (+27) 31 337 4231
E-mail: boards@safarisurf.com

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