23 March, 2016 23 March, 2016

Natural Curve

011 Natural Curve


Hugh Thompson

5’10” x 20 ½” x 2 ½”

Two double-foiled box fins

The “DUO” is basically a new feel in an old design. Instead of using a larger single fin on this 5’10” disc, I’ve moved the fin up the board slightly and put in two smaller double-foil 6.5” singles, which totally eliminates the centre fin drag. It’s not a single fin and it’s definitely not a twin-fin. The “DUO” is smooth, fast and turns on a dime. From 2 feet
to overhead, this runner is
a winner!

Cell: (+27) 83 360 0003
Web: www.naturalcurvesurfboards.co.za
E-mail: hugh@naturalcurve.co.za
Naturalcurve Surfboards
85 Morrison Street, Durban

1 Comment

  1. Waldo
    30 December, 2016 at 9:08 am · Reply

    Pretty swak you do a full copy of Neal Purchase Jnr’s model (even call it the same name) and make absolutely NO reference to him… Not cool.

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