20 August, 2018 20 August, 2018

Larmont Surfboards

Swallow Tail all-rounder

Mike Larmont (shaping since ‘67)

5’9” x 19” x 2 3/4”

FCS thruster setup

Celebrating 50 years of Larmont Surfboards, Mike built his first board for his classmate, Robert Platt. Mike was bitten
by the craftsmanship bug and in-between exams made two more boards. He became obsessed when he realised that
the current designs were out of touch with the international designs, particularly Australians leading the pack. This set off the desire to find the best product to enable the South African surfers (Bay of Plenty crew) to hold their own and to better the Aussies.
Order yours now!

EMAIL: surfafrica@africansurf.co.za
TEL: (+27) 31 368 2421
ADDR: African surf Promotion CC
Larmont Surf, 98 West Street, Durban

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