31 July, 2014 31 July, 2014



Simon Fish

4’8” to 6’4” rounded pin, squash or swallow tail, Future or FCS fin systems

The Grom
The Grom was initially a model I started working on for super groms, Ford and York van Jaarsvelt. The concave starts slightly inward from the rail, which makes the board more stable and forgiving, without losing any of the smooth, razor sharp responsiveness. The outline has extra hip added, which gives more control and loosens the tail up for progressive surfing.

I liked the boards so much that I blew it up using Shap3d software for my other team riders. The response from them was amazing and it has now developed into a model for surfers of all ages, from intermediate to advanced levels.

Showroom 3, 6th Avenue Business Park, St Francis Bay
Cell: (+27) 83 55 77794
E-mail: simon@fishstixsurfboards.co.za

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