13 October, 2011 13 October, 2011

Dream Boards


Pierre de Villiers

9’8″ Dungeons gun

When I arrived in Cape Town in 1984 boards under 6 feet were the fashion and the big waves were wide open and empty. The evolution of my guns began there and then. With  help and guidance from Jonathan Paarman, Peter Button and I learned the hard way. It’s 27 years and thousands of boards and barrels later, and my boards continue to evolve swell by swell. Each one is taken very seriously and built to last and to hopefully take the rider to the next level, regardless of their level of experience. I test each feature myself in waves from 2 to 20 feet. I know the feeling.

021 7801648 or 084 7927040
E-mail: pierre@dreamshop.co.za
PO BOX: 43984

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